There are thirty-seven different MWS programs in Washington State. Thirty-three of these programs are online based degrees. The state has just four university with on-campus programs for master’s of social work. Therefore, it is important to consider many factors when deciding between your desired style of learning. Decide whether you work better in face-to-face environments or under more flexible environments. Ask yourself if you would prefer for full-time or part-time learning. Is an on-campus university close to your home? You also want to consider how your lifestyle will change with each method.

The on-campus programs are provided in Washington State are at Walla Walla University, Eastern Washington University, the University of Washington, and the University of Washington at Tacoma Campus. As noted, there are many sources of online master’s degrees in Washington State. The University of Louisville, the University of North Dakota, the University of Southern California, Boston University and Florida State University are a few of the universities that provide online MSW programs in Washington State.

The advantages of a master’s in social work are vast. A few of these advantages include training and development on a higher level, the potential for specialty certifications, and more career options. Professionals gain expertise by learning how to integrate and apply theoretical concepts. Similarly, specialty certifications can help add value as well. Many of these specialized certifications require a master’s degree. These advantages may translate to better pay and more recognition. These advantages may also lead to a wider range of career options as well.